Access Keys:

Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Start of January Term

4th Jan 2022

We hope that you had a lovely Christmas break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Thursday 6th January.

The number of cases in the local area has risen considerably over the Christmas period and it's important we all do our best to ensure the safety of our school and wider community.  When dropping off and collecting at school please wear a face covering and adhere to social distancing. Teachers will also be reminding children the importance of good hand and respiratory hygiene.  As always anyone who is displaying cold or flu like symptoms should remain at home until the symptoms have ceased or a negative PCR test result. 

In order to keep the air quality within the classrooms at a safe level windows will need to be left open for considerable periods of time, please wrap up, vests long sleeve t-shirts under uniforms etc... It's not an ideal scenario but we will do what we can to keep the school envrionment safe for everyone. 

Breakfast Club and Busy Bees will start as normal on Thursday and After School Care will begin on Monday 10th January.