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Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Friendship/ Anti-Bullying Week

17th Nov 2021

This week we have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week! We have been learning: 

  • to understand the impact that our words can have on others.
  • how to cope if we find ourselves being bullied verbally.
  • how to use our words to positively impact others

To discuss and learn these objectives P7 took part in a series of mini tasks, each highlighting an important message.

1) P7 were given a handful of shaving foam to spread on their desk, and were asked to write positive adjectives they would use to describe each other. Once the shaving foam had all been emptied on to the table, Miss Kelly asked the children to put the foam back in the tin/ our containers! Needless to say.... we were not able to put it back. We discussed how our words are like the shaving foam. Once they are out they cannot be taken back or put back in.

2) We used sticky notes to highlight the importance of remembering words behind a person's back are still hurtful, even if not said to someone's face.

3) We also experimented with different emotions in our voices and learned that tone of voice impacts what you’re saying i.e. it may not be what you say but how you say it that affects a person.

4) We made sure we all know who to talk to if we feel that we are being affected by bullying.

On Friday all of Glendermott Primary School wore odd socks to celebrate our differences and to prove that being unique is best!

Have a look at the photos to see how we got on. :)