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Glendermott Primary School, Derry

News - Year 5/6

2019/2020 School Year

2nd Jun 2020
Last week at home, we challenged ourselves to learn about different types of self...
13th May 2020
Last week we read a poem by Berlie Doherty called, 'I Love Our Orange Tent' . ...
6th May 2020
For the past 2 weeks, some P5/6 pupils have been using the app/website EPIC ...
16th Mar 2020
Dear Parents, After consultation with staff and the Board of Governors the school...
14th Feb 2020
Wednesday 12 th February On Wednesday, P5/6 had a visit from Sentinus , to...
4th Dec 2019
It's hard to believe that it's that time of year again. Next Tuesday 10th December...
27th Nov 2019
Dear Parents  As you are probably aware there is a lot of sickness going...
4th Oct 2019
This Term P5/6 is focusing on the topic ‘Mighty Me’ . We have been...
4th Sep 2019

2018/2019 School Year

28th Jun 2019
Check out the amazing art created by Y6 when they attended Lumen Christi earlier...