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Glendermott Primary School, Derry


2023/2024 School Year

28th Jun 2024
It's hard to believe that we've reached the end of June. It's been a great year....
27th Jun 2024
We were thrilled to have Nikita Doherty present our footballers with their new kit...
26th Jun 2024
An emotional morning saw us say farewell to our P7 class. It has been a pleasure...
26th Jun 2024
Nursery finished their year with their Graduation yesterday. It was a lovely morning...
25th Jun 2024
What a great night. A massive thank you to all the mammies/grannies/helpers for putting...
24th Jun 2024
Primary 3 and Primary 4 enjoyed a day out to Brunswick Moviebowl for our school trip....
21st Jun 2024
20th Jun 2024
P7 trip is off to a great start. They've been so good and they're having a ball!  What...
19th Jun 2024
Primary 5 & 6 enjoyed a great end of year treat at Lock N Load. 
18th Jun 2024
Primary 1 and 2 enjoyed a lovely day at the Playtrail.