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Glendermott Primary School, Derry

Year 4

Welcome to Primary 4

Class teacher:
Mrs McGuigan

Our School Day

            9:00                   School Starts

            10:30 -10:45      Break

            12.15-  1:00       Lunch

            2.45                   Bus

            3.00                   Home


Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Children should wear their PE gear and appropriate footwear. Children should bring water bottles to stay hydrated.


Homework will be given out every Monday and needs to be returned that Friday.

  • Spellings, mental maths and Religion tasks are sent home on a Monday and should be returned on Friday.
  • Reading books get sent home daily and pupils should re-read the pages we have read in school.
  • Spelling test books are sent home on a Friday and should be signed and returned to school on Monday.

If your child is struggling with their homework, please ask and I'll go over it again with them.


We are following the Linguistic Phonics Programme and complete daily spelling/phonics tasks. 

Spellings are given out on Monday, along with homework and need to be learned for the Friday test. Please help your child to learn their spellings at home – remember Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Children should be encouraged to use a dictionary if they are unsure of a word's meaning in either their spellings, reading and homework. If your child is absent when they are given out, please remind your child to ask once they return to school.

This term we are exploring the genre of explanation writing and poetry for creative writing. We will continue to develop our talking and listening, reading, writing and grammar skills throughout the term.

Guided reading sessions, whole class reading sessions and our daily class read will enable children to develop their reading skills and comprehension alongside an ever growing love of reading. Primary 4 have also began using the Accelerated Reading Programme. Pupils will choose books from the colour range that has been identified for them. Pupils can quiz on these books in school to ensure that they have understood what they have read. Pupils will progress through the colour stages. 



We encourage parents to read with their child for 30 mins every night. This can be a school book or a book from home. 


We will be learning about Processes in Maths, Number, Data Handling, Measures and Shape and Space. 

This half term we will begin to explore and learn about place value, addition and subtraction, shapes, money and time. Our times tables must be a focus in Year 4. We will begin by learning skip counting and then progress to times tables. Children listen to Scratch Garden and Percy Parker in school and should also be practising this every night at home.

World Around Us

Out topics include Over the Rainbow, Good Vibrations, Brr It's Freezing and Food Glorious Food. We will also explore themed activities for the seasons and various holidays.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding We look at areas of our personal and emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others, and how we can all work together for the good of our community.

The Arts In Primary 4 we look at a variety of music, dance and art activities through our cross curricular topics. Primary 4 will take part in Musical Pathways on Tuesdays.

Religion This is a very important year for Primary 4 as look forward to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and  First Holy Communion.  We follow the Grow in Love Religion programme.

Sacrament of Reconciliation - 1st May 2024

First Holy Communion - 1st June 2024

TSPC  Thinking skills and Personal Capabilities are tools that help children to search for learning, apply ideas, analyse patterns and relationships, create and design something new and monitor and evaluate their progress. It develops life skills and capabilities to make a positive contribution to society.

Please phone the school if your child is ill.


If you need to speak with Mrs McGuigan, please ring the office to arrange an appointment.



12th Mar 2025
Primary 4 have had a busy couple of weeks during their Numeracy lessons, measuring...
6th Mar 2025
Primary 4 had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day.  Everyone wore comfy...
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The Lyric Theatre put on a great performance 'Waste Busters', for Primary 3, 4 and...
23rd Jan 2025
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